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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Frugal Tips to Save This Christmas

Frugal Tips to Save This Christmas

Christmas is coming up pretty fast I've seen this question a lot of
communities, and I thought maybe would be by helping it to a place,
that this tour U.S. dollars Christmas.

*For meals*

- Dinner not "have" to ham or turkey, you may sit for a nice meal.

- If you are with family or home someones set up a potluck type of
each brings something special to them.

- Make another meal, the "big" meal of the day, like breakfast or
*Make gifts, here are a few ideas that do not really need a clever

- Mix in a glass, I will add additional mix recipes in this category.

- Calendar - at Michael's for a dollar that you can get calenders you
just put a picture in itFrugal tips to save money for Christmas

-Hot chocolate, you can do either or? You can get a great mix of a few
dollars then go to the dollar store and special cups of the hot
chocolate and marshmallows get baby in a plastic bag with a label and
put it in the cup.

- Make some Bad Gifts

*Buy for Gifts*

- Set a budget and stick to it.

- Start Now. As of early November, you can sell one or two doses each
payday or during buy now end up saving in the end.

- Leave plastic at home, so you can use to not be tempted to it.

- Shop the sales - take a look at the web sites or documents

- Do get a list of what you do.

- Sign up for e-mail lists of shops, which often send them special
offers and upcoming sales.

*-* When buying online check in on websites that offer free shipping.

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