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Monday, August 9, 2010

Christmas Tree Origin

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Christmas Tree Origin

St Boniface Story:
The association of these trees with Christianity began in Germany
thousands years ago. Legend has it that in those days, St Boniface
converted German people to Christianity.

Once in 722 he is said to have come across a group of pagans
worshipping an oak tree. In anger, St Boniface is said to have cut
down the oak tree but to his surprise a young fir tree sprung up from
the roots of the oak tree pointing towards the heaven. St Boniface
took this as a sign of the Christian faith. In this way, Fir trees
became symbolical for Christianity. However, it was not until the 16th
century that fir trees were brought indoors at Christmas time.

The origin of these trees as symbols of Christianity also evolved from
Pagan tradition. The pagans revered these evergreen trees as
manifestations of the God because they stayed green and alive when
other plants appeared dead and bare in cold winters. Thus, the trees
represented everlasting life and hope for the return of spring.

Queen Victoria Story:
There are many such stories associated with the origin of the
Christmas Tree, one more story is about Queen Victoria, who often used
to visit Germany and during her one of the stay in Germany she fell in
love with Prince Albert, they both got married and came back to
England. Back in England Prnice Albert decorated a tree and since that
time the English men are celebrating the Christmas with the holy tree
and showing their love for the Queen Victoria.

Martin Luther Story:
According to this story, one Christmas Eve in around 1500, Martin
Luther was walking through the snow covered woods and fall in love
with the snow glistened trees. The moonlight enhanced the shine of the
trees. So when he reached back home he decorated a small Christmas
tree fir with beautiful Candles in the honor of Christ's birth.

Since the day of its origin, Christmas tree is considered as the
sacred symbol of Christmas. It represents a hope for new life after
the dread period of winter of December. Its evergreen appearance
heralds new and fresh life of spring.

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